Psionic overview, who has them and who doesn't.
Psionics as a latent ability is not inborn in just anyone, it is close to a genetic mutation in humans. although a mutation it doesn't affect it's user at all. In fact the mutation leaves the person perfectly human albeit they have new abilities. Psionic ability as I stated earlier is an inborn trait, when one is born they either have it or they don't, this is not to say there aren't other ways to get them because there are and these will be discused later. But back to the question, who has these abilities? Most often psionic ability is not discovered until later in life when they finally manifest themselves, early to mid teens is most often the time when psi is noticeable in a user. This can be traced earlier though if a psychic sensitive does a thorough evalutation. Not anyone will have psionic powers, I cannot stress this point enough, although some will have limited Psionic capability: i.e: empathy or telepathy. In these early years, if trained correctly a potential master psionic can be directed to be a certain "arche-type" of master psionic, be it Sensitive, Nullifier, Eruptor, Dominator, or Mind Melter. Sensitive Psychics are the most common with M&M's being the least. I will describe each of these later.
Most of the psionic population will be minor with major and master psionics being less common, Master psionists are the least common. Minor Psionists have a psionic ability from one of the basic psionic categories: sensitive, healer, physical. Major psionists can have a certain area developed or may have more than one power from each of the three basic areas. A master psionic is much more developed than the minor and major and select from all areas, even the super-psionic chategory, only the master psionic and some supernatural creatures can select powers from the super category.
Psionics: The Three basic Categories
The three basic categories are sensitive, healer and physical, each has a different range of use with focus on one area of the psionic spectrum.
Sensitive psychics are acutely tuned to sensing things around them, be it supernatural good/evil, empathy, clairvoyance, sensing powerful magic or psionic transmissions and many other things.
Physical psychics are attuned to the physcial aspect of psionics, most alter the physcal aspects of themselves, such as increased strength, altering their aura or a death trance. Such things can be very interesting, like an ectoplasmic disguise.
Healing psychics do just as their name suggest, they are attuned to healing others using psionic energy. examples are bio-regeneration where the psychic heals themselves of disease poison or physical damage, detect psionics, where a healer detects psionic energy within an area. One of the most interesting things a healer can do is an exorcism where a demon or spirit is drivin from ones body.
Psionics: Minor Psionists
Minor psionists are ppsionists who have developed their psionic ability to a certain area: sensitve, healer, physical. They may have only one or two powers from this area and are never as developed in their area of expertise as a major or a master psionist. Most often a minor psionic will be in the area of sensitive or healer. A sensitive is often attuned to magic and the supernatural which allows them to sense things around them such as high level psionists or the supernatural, be it evil or good.
Psionics: Major Psionists
Major psionists have a much more developed psionic ability and often have developed those abilities in a specific area of psionics (healer, sensitive, physical), although they may have powers which range over the three categories. Due to the fact that their psychic ability is much more developed than a minor psychic they have spent more time in developing their abilities that they do not have as many skills as others in their "field" of training. Hence abilities are more rounded out towards psychic abilities as compared to job skills.
Psionics: Master Psionists
Master psionists have spent much of their time in developing their powers to one area (or training with someone who directed their training to one area) and have developed into the most powerful of psionists. These people are routed into sub-catagories of master: Nullifier, Healer, Eruptor, Dominator, and Mind Melter. Due to the increased training the psionist is not as knowledgeable and most are illiterate! This is due to the psionists intense training towards on area. If trained by another and their ability directed to a certain area they are most likely also to be tutored and be literate. Most master psychics will show off their abilties to others to show their intense ability.
For a brief overview of different Master Psionic types click Master Psionists
Click for the psionics 'rules'. Psionics 'Rules'
Psionics Powers
These are the rifts based psionic powers, click on a category to see the power.