Super Psionics Abilities

Astral Golem: With this ability a psionic can mold a golem of pure ectoplasm. This is possible only on the Astral Plane. This construct is vaguely humanoid and under full control of the psychic, it doesn't hear, see feel pain or emotions. This is typically used to carry heavy loads on the Astrale plane, defense and combat. Most psionic attacks do no damage (mind control, fear, posession.) and is impervious to cold, heat, disease, poison and gases. Energy and projectile attacks do half damage.

Bio-manipulation: more commonly known as the evil eye. A psychic can use this to induce one of the following ailments: Blindness, Deafness, Mute, Pain, PAralysis, Stun(disorientation), Tissue manipulation(make victim feal hot, cold and the like). All of these ailments are mentally based but the victim finds all of them to be all to real and will succumb to the ability used on them.

Bio-regeneration super: This power is a much more potent form of the normal bio-regeneration and the body instantly heals itself. No scarring!

Electrokinesis: The psychic who control electrokinesis controls the aspects of electricity. The average user has control over the following: Electrical resistance (up to 60,000 volts), electrical discharge, manipulate electrical devices and sense electricity. Some of the more powerful can even envelope themselves in an electrical shield.

Empathic Transmission: This power allows the psychic to instil a powerful emotion into another creature. The following emotions can be instilled with the appropriate effect listed:
1) Despair or Sorrow --> Invokes great emotional upheaval, deep sorrow and a sense of loss. victims may leave without a fight or surrender.
2) Confusion --> Disorients the victim to such an extreme as that they have no sense of direction, time, or of what exactly is going on.
3) Fear --> Invokes unreasoning terror in all those affected.
4) Hate or Anger --> Will prompt the affected to act rashly, charge, attack violently and the such.
5) Love or Peacefulness --> This can induce a deep feeling of serenity, dispelling anger, hatred, sorrow and so on. Hostile opponents are likely to show mercy, leave before being overtly cruel or destructive, halt a rampage and so on. It doesn't make the victims docile sheep but does curb hostility.
6) Trust --> Will make it's victims believe everything the psychic tells the, but only while under empathic influence. Life threatening suggestions that go against deep-seated fears or ideals may not always be trusted.

Group Mind Block: This allows the psionic to erect a mental barrier protecting all within a 120 ft radius from psionic probes and mind attacks.

Group Trance: This allows a powerful psionic to link a group together with him. They feel, see, and hear everything he does while in the trance. Active individuals in the trance are merely passive observers and react calmly to all transpiring events.

Hydrokinesis: This allows the psychic to control the aspects of water. While using this ability the user can control the following aspects: Sense chemical impurities, boil water, water spout (can cause water to seem to come to life and sprout an attack, sense water.

Hypnotic Suggestion: The power of suggestion is a psychically boosted form of hypnosis. It is limited to helping one relax, inducing sleep remembering specific thoughts. And even to implant subtle thoughts, note the thoughts must be subtly worked.

Mentally Possess Others: This allows the user to mentally possess another and control them. The psychic can control only the body and not access knowledge or past memories. While possessed the victim remembers nothing.

Mind Block: Auto Defense Similar to a mind block except it is automatic and will spring to use at a moments notice.

Mind Bolt: This is a powerful psychic attack which allows the psychic to concentrate and focus his psionic power into a powerful bolt of mental force. This is physical and not a direct attack on ones mind.

Mind Bond: This allows the psychic to bond with anothers mind. While bonded the psychic can learn everything about the other person. The drawback is that even the victim learns everything to know about the other. This includes all skills, secret identities, phobias and the like. In both cases the rememberance is only a few hours (12 maximum). Only the psychic knows this is temporary so the victim will have no reason to take any notes.

Mind Wipe: This stunning ability can only be done while touching the victim and takes about three minutes. It can wipe an event from memory of a knowledge, event, skill and so on. By expending a massive amount of psionic energy and some of ones mental endurance they can totally wipe a mind blank. Such a thing is grueling and loss of this endurance is permanent.

PPE Shield: Similar to a mind block except that it prevents ones magic energy to be siphoned off by energy vampires and even mages who can draw on another for this energy.

Psionic Invisibility: This clouds the minds of all around and causes them to not see the user of the power. Those affected do not see the psionic but also do not run into them due to a suconscious faculty that causes them to move around the psychic rather than bump into him. While in effect the psychic cannot make an attack or violent attempt or the power will be instantly negated.

Psi-Shield: This allows the psychic to focus psionic energy into a shield capable of warding off physical attacks.

Psi-Sword: This is arguably the most powerfull ability listed. It allows the psychic to fashion a blade with the shear force of their mind. The blade is psionic energy in a physical form and can be used to make physical attacks.

Psychic Body Field: A psychic with this ability can summon a body field which can protect against powerful strikes. The field is a dim white transparent aura that surrounds the psychics body. While active the psionic is not impervious to disease, radiation or toxic fumes, nor magic and psionic attacks (unless physical). Also the psychic loses the feeling of touch.

Psychic Omni-sight: This ability allows the psychic to see through the minds eye. An impressive abilit7y to say the least, when in effect the psychic's essence ascends 10 to 20 feet above his body and can see in a 360 degree radius, the following abilities are then in constant use: pinpoint electrical outlets, electronic "bugs", electronic devices and heat sources as well as bionics and cybernetics close to the skin. One can also detect secret compartments and trap doors, see infrared and ultraviolet spectrums, heat signatures, and hyper sensitive to movement. While active the psychic cannot do anything until they cancel the power.

Psychosomatic Disease: By using this the psychic can cause one to believe they are suffering by a particular disease. Although no physical signs appear-- it's all in the mind. This can be canceled by a magical or priestly remove curse spell or ritual, or until the power runs it's course, up to 4 days.


Radiate Horror Factor

Telekinesis Super

Telekinetic Force Field

Telemechanic Mental Operation

Telemechanic Paralysis

Telemechanic Possession

