Sensitive Psionic Abilities

Astral Projection: The ability to project onself to the Astral realm, this power allows the psionist to "disconnect" his astral form from his body and travel into the astral plane itself for short amounts of time. The hazards are easily noted, one the physical body is in danger, two the astral body may get lost or captured, three the astral body is prone to psionic attacks and attacks from ghosts and such entities. Clairvoyance The famous ability known as clairvoyance often comes in the form of dreams and more often than not only give a small glimpse of a future event. When using this ability the psionist will not always be enlightened through the clairvoyant vision.

Commune with Spirits: When using this power a psionic can feel the presence of spirits. This includes astral travelors, entities (ghosts and possessing entities), splintered essences of god's or alien intelligences. The questuions may be asked verbally although the spirit feels it on an empathic level. The spirit may answer verbally or with empathic transmissions that only the psionist can here.

Empathy: This allows the psionic to open himself to empathic transmissions, feelings, emotions and the such. This can often be used to tell if someone is nearby but cannot be used to pinpoint the person. The psionist may also use the ability while questioning to get a feel if those in question are lying or not, although this is not always a steadfast nor concrete proof of lying or being truthfull.

Intuitive Combat: This psionic power puts the user in a zen-like state of awareness. They seem to be one with their body and weapin, quickly and efficiently reacting with amazing reflex action, balance and grace. The psionist cannot use any other ability while this is in use.

Machine Ghost: The psychic can effectively place himself into a trance and focus on a computer or artificial intelligence and can acquire data files or read them. They may also access info on devices like floppy disks, CD's, tapes and other devices. They may also enter the computer network itself, very similarly to Astral projection.

Mask ISP and Psionics: this power let's the psionic mask the presence of psionics and psionic energy from others around them. Any who normally can sense psionists or psionic energy(ISP) cannot sense these. No other mental based psionic (empathy, telepathy... ect) cannot be used while masked.

Mask PPE: Identical to mask psionics except only a very little amount of magic energy (PPE) is sensed

Mind block: The ability to completely block out mind based psionic attacks, while active the psionist cannot use any of his own psionic powers, be influenced by others and cannot sense anything.

Object Read: This ability, most commonly known as psychometry allows the psionist to get the following by having an object of another owners such as: impressions on ones character, alignment, state of mind, objects purpose; Images see images of isolated events which happend in the past of the owner of the object.

Presence Sense: The psionist can sense supernatural and magick creatures in the area, giving him a sense of whether it is near, far, how many presences. cannot pinpoint locations with this power.

See Aura: Allows the psionist to see one's aura he can sense the following: strength, magic ability, psychic abilities, high or low magic energy base, presence of possessing entity, presence of aberations (severe illness, mutation, non-human) but not what it is.

See the Invisible form of bio-manipulation: where the psionic gaisn the ability to the see the invisible, even if the creature has no concrete form.

Read Dimensional Portal: the psionist can read a rift and get a sense of the following: hostility of the destination (includes if it can support human life), strong presene of supernatural and if so if it is evil, brief flash of who was the last to enter the portal, intuitive allowign the psychic to tell if the portal leads to xitix homerealm astral plane or dreamstream or if to another place on rifts earth, get a base idea of how to use the device which opened the portal if not opened naturally.

Remote Viewing: This power requires a phote or video image of the person. They see a glimpse of what that person is doing just at that moment. Also they can ask questions about the person they are remotely viewing, such as are they alive.

Sense Dimensional Anomaly: This will allow the psionist to sense the presence of a dimension anomaly (rift opening, ley line storms, dimensional triangles) and other disturbances caused by such things as teleportations.

Sense Evil: The psionic ability to sense and feel evil. However a supernatural being eminates is alignment through it's aura. when used on a specific humans it will not pick up unless they have an evil intent, psychic powers or are psychotic. when used on suipernatural evil it will detect the number and intensity of the evil as well as general direction the evil lies in.

Sense Magic: Similar to Sense evil and can be used to pinpoint the exact object radiating the magic energy. Invisible objects can only be pinpointed to a general area.

Sense Time: This allows the psychic to accurately measure the passage of tiem to within 4 seconds.

Sixth Sense: this psionic power is automatic and gives the psionist a precognative flash when there is immmediate danger in the area.

Speed Reeding: The ability to read and comprehend texts quickly (30 pages per minute, half if technical). The info will be retained normally.

Telepathy: The ability to mentally communicate with another, or even eavesdrop on someones thoughts and only surface thoughts.

Total Recall: The ability to recal every word read by the psionist. Specific blocks of info may be recalled in perfect detail and at will.
